Unfortunately Belmont Music was a victim of the Palisades fire. We have lost our entire inventory of sales and rental materials. We are working to "rise from the ashes" in a mostly digital form. We will keep you posted on this website or you can send us an email and we will contact you.There are many scores and performing materials for which we have digital scans. Please do contact us so that we can determine if we are able to fill your requests. We will continue to respond to any questions regarding the life and works of Arnold Schoenberg. Articles from the LA Times, NY Times, and This is Beirut.

BELMONT MUSIC PUBLISHERS - The Works of Arnold Schoenberg

Works for smaller groups or ensembles
  1. Why Belmont Music?Belmont Music was established in 1965 in order to ensure that the works by Arnold Schoenberg are easily available. We publish, rent and sell most of the works and are happy to direct you to other publishers when it is not part of the Belmont catalog.
    Please contact us with any questions regarding Arnold Schoenberg and his works at office@schoenbergmusic.com
  2. Why Belmont?Consider the French and German word for beautiful mountain.
  3. How do I obtain a perusal score?Send us a fax (310) 454-1867 or an e-mail request office@schoenbergmusic.com indicating all of the particulars including how long you will need the score.
  4. How do I obtain rental materials?Check the rental portion of this site. Call us should you have any particular questions (310) 454-1867. Send us a fax (310) 454-1867 or an e-mail with all of the specific information including when you will need the materials, performance date(s), performers, string requirements. We will then contact you.
  5. Where can I get permission to use a copy of an Arnold Schoenberg painting?Send us a fax (310) 454-1867 or an e-mail request indicating the painting in question and how you wish to use it. You will also need to contact VBK in Vienna to obtain the rights - vbk@nextra.at
  6. Where can I find the Verein arrangment of the "Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune"?The score and parts are available for sale. Check under Verein arrangements.
  7. Where can I get additional information regarding any work?  You can check the Arnold Schoenberg Center website www.schoenberg.at or email us at office@schoenbergmusic.com