Unfortunately Belmont Music was a victim of the Palisades fire. We have lost our entire inventory of sales and rental materials. We are working to "rise from the ashes" in a mostly digital form. We will keep you posted on this website or you can send us an email and we will contact you.There are many scores and performing materials for which we have digital scans. Please do contact us so that we can determine if we are able to fill your requests. We will continue to respond to any questions regarding the life and works of Arnold Schoenberg. Articles from the LA Times, NY Times, and This is Beirut.

BELMONT MUSIC PUBLISHERS - The Works of Arnold Schoenberg

Works for smaller groups or ensembles
1. Sommermüd [Summer's weariness] (Jakob Haringer)
2. Tot [Death] (Jakob Haringer)
3. Mädchenlied [Maiden's song] (Jakob Haringer)
  • 14./15. Januar 1933 (Nr. 1 »Sommermüd«), 17./18. Februar 1933 (Nr. 2 »Tot«), 18. Februar - 23. Februar 1933 (Nr. 3 »Mädchenlied«); Text: Jakob Haringer
  • 16. Mai 1950, Los Angeles, Student Union (Peter Page, Bariton; Leonard Stein, Klavier) SOURCES: ASC, MS 52, Archivnr. 445-450 (Skizzen und Erste Niederschriften), Archivnr. 438-444 (Reinschriften)
  • ca. 6 Min.
  • Bomart Music Publications, Hillsdale N.Y. 1952
  • Arnold Schönberg, Sämtliche Werke, Abteilung I: Lieder und Kanons, Reihe A, Bd. 1, Lieder mit Klavierbegleitung I, hrsg. v. Josef Rufer, Mainz-Wien 1966, S. 151-162; Abteilung I, Reihe B, Bd. 1/2, Teil 1, hrsg. v. Christian Martin Schmidt, Mainz-Wien 1989, S. 218-229 (Kritischer Bericht); Abteilung I, Reihe B, Bd. 1/2, Teil 2, hrsg. v. Christian Martin Schmidt, Mainz-Wien 1990, S. 87-89 (Skizzen)
  • Boelke-Bomart Publications: B.B 25