(Op. 9B, 36, 37, 38, cello concerto for string quartet and orchestra, suite for string orchestra)
Executive Office
257 Park Ave South, 20th floor
New York, NY 10010
Fax: 212 254-2013
Email: schirmer@schirmer.com
For rental and performance information, please contact:
G. Schirmer Rental and Performance Department
Jerona Music Corp. (Op. 48)
Address: P.O. Box 671
Englewood, NJ 07631
Contact: Johanna Sturm
Telephone: (201) 568-8448
Fax: (201) 569-7023
Email: maasturm@sprynet.com
Universal Edition A.G
Bösendorferstrasse 12
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: (43) 1 33723-0
Fax: (43) 1 33723-400
Sales Department
Forsthausgasse 9
A-1200 Vienna, Austria
Contact: Monika Stricker
Telephone: 0043-/1/33 7 23
Fax: 0043/1 33723-430
Rental Department
Fax: 0043/1 33723-470
254 West 31st Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10001-2813
Tel. +1 212 461-6953
Fax +1 212 810-4565
Email: ueinc@universaledition.com
Boelke-Bomart/Mobart Music Publishers
224 King Street
Englewood, NJ 07631
Contact: George Sturm
Telephone: (201) 569-2898
Fax: (201) 569-7023
Email: maasturm@sprynet.com
Winston Cook-Wilson, Rental Manager
70-30 80th Street
Glendale, NY11385
Phone: (718) 416-7821
Fax: (718) 416-7823
C.F. Peters Corporation
70-30 80th Street
Glendale NY 11385
Tel: + (1) 718 416-7800
Fax: + (1) 718 416-7805
Email: sales.us@editionpeters.com
Web: www.edition-peters.com
Theodore Presser Company
588 North Gulph Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406 USA
Phone: 610-592-1222
Fax: 610-592-1229
Departmental e-mail Directory
General Inquiries: | webmaster@presser.com |
Licensing/Permissions Department: | permissions@presser.com |
Performance Promotion Department: | promotion@presser.com |
Rental Department: | rental@presser.com |
Webmaster: | webmaster@presser.com |
Sales/Customer Service Department: | sales@presser.com |
Shawnee Press Inc. Op. 23, Op. 24
Address: 49 Waring Drive
Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327-1099
Contact: Lynn Sengstack Ed Esposito
Telephone: (717) 476-0550 800-962-8584
Fax: (717) 476-5247
Email: shawneepress@noln.com
Margun/Gunmar Music, Inc. (Op. 4 Trio)
Address: 167 Dudley Road
Newton Centre, MA 02159
Contact: Ann Stimson
Telephone: (617) 332-6398
Fax: (617) 969-1079
Email: MargunMu@aol.com
Web site: www.members.aol.com/margunmus
D-55116 Mainz Germany
Telephone: +49 6131 246-883
Fax: +49 6131 246-252
Email: com.hire@schott-music.com