Unfortunately Belmont Music was a victim of the Palisades fire. We have lost our entire inventory, but we are working to "rise from the ashes". Much of our catalog is available digitally. We have some printed scores and performing materials currently available. We will keep you posted on this website. Please do contact us with your requests. We will continue to respond to any questions regarding the life and works of Arnold Schoenberg. Articles from the LA Times, NY Times, and This is Beirut.

BELMONT MUSIC PUBLISHERS - The Works of Arnold Schoenberg

Works for smaller groups or ensembles
De Profundis (Psalm) »Shir hamaalot mima'amakim keraticha adonai...«
  • 20. Juni 1950 - 2. Juli 1950 (Datumangaben in der Reinschrift)
  • 29. Januar 1954, Köln (Chor des Westdeutschen Rundfunks, Dir. Bernhard Zimmermann)
  • ca. 5 Min.
  • ASC, MS 56, Archivnr. 702-707 (Skizzen); Archivnr. 687-701 (Reinschrift)
  • Israeli Music Publications, Tel Aviv 1953
  • »dem Staat Israel«
  • Arnold Schönberg, Sämtliche Werke, Abteilung V: Chorwerke, Reihe A, Bd. 19, Chorwerke II, hrsg. v. Josef Rufer und Christian Martin Schmidt, Mainz-Wien 1975, S. 139-148; Reihe B, Bd. 19, hrsg. v. Christian Martin Schmidt, Mainz-Wien 1977, S. 100-110 (Kritischer Bericht, Skizzen)
  • Belmont Music Publishers (USA, Canada, Mexico): Bel-1052 (score) 
  • Israeli Music Publications: MCR 11193-062 (Chorpartitur)


    Perusal (for the website)-($0): Perusal copies of the portrait and landscape editions, an audio file of the piano reduction, and errata for BEL-1052  CONTACT BELMONT  

    Purchased copies may only be shared with those in the organization of the purchaser.  Unauthorized sharing of purchased music and making more copies than purchased is a violation of copyright.

    PDF Self Print-$55 (set of 15 authorized performance copies provided by PDF digital download, add-on sets of 5 are $15 each.):  Portrait & landscape editions, piano reduction part, Haupstimme reduction, BEL-1052 errata, The Heart and Mind of Arnold Schoenberg’s “De Profundis” CONTACT BELMONT

    Audio (MP3 files)-$22:  Hebrew pronunciation by Dr. Joshua Jacobson, each voice part as an instrumental track, complete score with each part played by a midi instrument, piano reduction CONTACT BELMONT

    Digital-$33 (Must be purchased together with 1 set of print copies & only used for score study.  Files are available for Finale (MUS & MUSX), Sibelius (SIB), Musescore (MSCZ), XML and SmartMusic® (SMP).  SMP files will require the user to have a SmartMusic account and subscription to import them into the program.  SmartMusic® is an interactive web software that records the singer and provides instant feedback regarding pitch and rhythm on screen. No performance arrangements of these files may be made without permission from Belmont Music Publishers.)


    Complete Access-$100 (Digital, Audio and set of 15 authorized performance copies as PDF download):  CONTACT BELMONT